Working Harder is Smarter Than You Think
Today’s date is Jan 19, which means we’re past the halfway mark of the month (holy cow, time really does fly). Being closer to February […]
Sell Me This Cake
2023 is now in full swing and I can’t help but think how much food, in particular cake, I shamelessly consumed during the holiday […]
How can the past influence your business’ future?
Rose-Tinted Glasses For the Past — And Your Products They say you look at the past through ‘rose-tinted glasses’; what if your customers could […]
What the Luck is Going On?
Turning shopping into a promotional game has huge potential. In a test, researchers discovered that promotional games increased conversion rates by anything from 42% […]
Natural Is the Way To Go…Or Is It?
Doesn’t it feel like nearly every product these days references its natural or organic elements? While it’s fairly obvious why brands like to do […]
Your Best Influencer Could Be Your CEO
Researchers have demonstrated that stories centered on the CEO &/or founder’s story (e.g., why I started this, how the product helps people) drove higher […]
Nudge Your Customers to Increase Conversion Rate By Up To 20%
Researchers have discovered that nudging, when used in combination with social proof, is almost 20% more effective in driving conversions than when used on […]
Comparative Messaging, Does it Really Work?
Comparative messaging, does it really work? In short, no. Almost universally across our clients, ads that make comparative claims are less effective at achieving […]